Welcome to Straw Berry Basket!

This is my little corner of the internet, I hope you enjoy yourself~

Update 14/12/20: Wow another update! I have changed the lolita section to hobbies, because I have more hobbies than just lolita fashion. :) With this I added a diary page and a photography page, I also updated the handmade page. Please have a look! ♥

Update 19/11/20: About page has been updated! Wow what a year it's been, my state has only just recently come out of a very strict lockdown but there are still a lot of things we can't do yet. I hope everyone out there is staying safe and please wear a mask!

Update 5/04/20: Happy self isolation everyone! First decent update in a while. Photos section has been changed to Lolita and will now include writings, handmade things and my wishlist.

Update 25/02/20: Sozai (web materials) are finally available! Be sure to read the rules carefully. ;)

Update 24/02/20: Wardrobe page is up, I've also added a toy box~

Update 08/02/20: 700 views in under a week, thank you so much. ;u; Coordinates page is now up! You can find it in photo section.

Update 05/02/20: Wow 400 views already, thank you everyone! I added a recipes page, there's a couple more things in the works too so stay tuned~

Update 03/02/20: Thank you for 200 page views, already~ ♥ About, Links and Guestbook are up! Photos will probably take a while.

Update 02/02/20: I finally decided to start building my website! I downloaded a copy of Microsoft FrontPage 2002 and am using that to build it. Who knows when it'll be done, this update was written before it's even online! lol

Toy Box